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Friday, November 28, 2014

Another Blog?

You know those crazy daydreams you have, the ones you are just sure would be amazing if you had the power, time, and money to bring to fruition? One I have had for awhile is to have my own magazine. One that covers all aspects of a woman's life, but with a Christian perspective in mind.

Well...I definitely don't have the power or money and I'm pretty sure I don't have the time either(you know between teaching pre-K, teaching Bible class, raising two young girls, trying to keep our house livable, running my eight-year-old to gymnastics, meal planning, squeezing in some sort of fitness, and giving my husband attention).

So the logical solution is to start a blog! It's okay if you are rolling your eyes right now. I know, I know, another Mom starting a blog and expecting others to want to read it. But that is what it is and I do hope you want to read it! This will not be a blog to document my life, although I will share personal stories as I find them helpful or entertaining. This blog is my "magazine" where I hope to share a variety of things from blogs I write personally, to whatever I find on the Internet to share.

Along with this I am starting a Facebook page to go along with the blog. If you are like me, there are hundreds of blogs I have run across but do not have the time to read regularly. If you follow the Facebook page you can choose what you want to read and ignore what you want.

If you have read this far in the post, thank you!!!! It really means a lot to me ( and hopefully I have not bored you ). I do ask for prayers that I keep up with this and use the blog for good. Stay tuned for whatever comes next!